I walked in to one cd-shop at QB, just walking around in the shop. I found out there is LPCD45 from Eason. Usually LPCD only have those old singer like 蔡琴,赵鹏,陈百强,张学友,刘德华...and so on...Then I decided to buy Eason...his song..no bad...especially Lonely Xmas....So..it become my Xmas gift..
~Merry Christmas~
What is LPCD?
LPCD is the latest and most advanced technology researched and developed by Mr Aik Yew-Goh, the founder of Hugo Productions.? Mr Aik is a renowned recording producer and musician who spends 35 years in musical experimentations and 20 years in professional music production.? LPCD is developed based on a unique set of digital processing technology which enables listeners to experience the analogue sound of the vinyl LP record from an ordinary CD player.
Chinese version http://www.hugodisc.com/lpcd/intro.asp
普通发烧友们都认为,和LP比较,CD (普通CD、24KCD、 XRCD、 SACD、 DVD-Audio 等)音色偏紧,令人产生紧张和压抑感(用大音量听尤甚,让人不能长时间集中欣赏音乐与音响),高低频两端延伸有局限,高频生硬,低频缺乏弹性,能量感薄等等。易先生也是LP迷,当然有同感,但他确信只有在反复监听自己的录音产品后才能找到答案,才有绝对的发言权。
01. K歌之王
02. 十面埋伏
03. 2001太空漫遊
04. 歲月如歌
05. 明年今日
06. 人來人往
07. 低等動物
08. 打回原形
09. Shall We Talk
10. Lonely Christmas
11. 孤獨探戈
12. 幸災樂禍
13. 隨意門
14. 給愛麗斯
15. King Kong
16. 打得火熱
17. 忘記歌詞
18. 單車
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