Yesterday, I open up my Altec Lansing ATP3 again to capture what I have done for my ATP3. In this post, I will share out how I modified my Altec Lansing ATP3. Actually the modification I done last year and now only posted it. Reason being, that time I don't have camera to snap on it.
To open the circuit board, you have to remove the screw on bottom of the woofer (picture above). The board is stick on the plastic. Be cafeful when open it up.
This is my DIY cable to replace the stock cable. The material that I get from Jalan Pasar . I bought 2m of Canare cable(L-2T2S) and 2 of Canare 3.5mm jack(F-12).
This is what you can see after open out from the woofer. It sticked on the plastic.Be careful when remove the plastic from the woofer. There are some wires connected.
Besides the op amp, I also changed the capacitors which near the op-amp with Panasonic ECA series.(same value &voltage).
Added in photo with marking in red box.
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